‘Show truth as if your character had just discovered it. Show emotion as if your character had just invented it.’
~Paul Raymond Martin

…that when you dream of having a long weekend you have all these neat plans. Things you would do if you had the time off to do it.

…Clean out the cabinets.
…Take a little trip that has nothing to do with business.
…Do a little scrapbooking.
…Make those phone calls to those family members and friends you love so dearly and haven’t spoken to in forever.
…Bake or cook things that can be frozen and used when a quick meal is needed. (‘Course is there any other kind, LOL)
…Get the yard like you want it.
…Clean out the attic.

But, in truth, end up doing much of nothing. And it actually felt good.

Went out to eat with dh, just he and I, no sons allowed. Had long talks with him throughout the weekend making plans for short term goals and long term goals. Future vacation plans. Reinforced our relationship as so much of life gets in the way and we both realized that there are days we are in the same house together, but both going in different directions with different problems, living different lives, having different thoughts and worries and barely really, truly, ‘communicating’ with each other.

So it was good.

I guess most of us work better under pressure but when we finally get a time to rest, rest is exactly what we needed. And I’m trying very, very hard not to feel guilty about this weekend.

But the weekend is over now so back to work. :whip:


This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 30th, 2006 at 9:41 am and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

5 Responses to “why is it…”

Rene Says:

I can read this really well but I bet it is way too big for everyone else.

Sometimes you need those weekends where you don’t do anything. Sounds like you has a nice dinner.

Sandy Says:

Thanks, Rene!

Anyone else? Is the font too little? Too big?

Eve Says:

Font just fine here.

Sometimes the mind needs a rest as much as the body.

Coleman Inches Says:

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

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